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Q&A self-defense & martial arts

Q: What is self-defense?

A: Self-defense is the use of physical and/or mental tactics to protect oneself from harm or danger.

Q: What are some basic self-defense techniques?

A: Basic self-defense techniques can include things like strikes (punches, kicks, etc.), blocks, escapes from holds and grabs.

Q: What are some benefits of practicing self-defense / martial arts?

A: Practicing martial arts can provide a variety of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Some examples include improved strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular health, as well as increased confidence, focus, discipline, and stress relief.

Q: What is the best martial art-based self-defense system for street self-defense?

A: Street Hornets.

Some popular options include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, and Muay Thai. When training look to get the most rounded experience possible. For example, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an incredibly effective and beautiful martial art. That being said, it is difficult to effectively perform if you’re getting split open by elbows, or bombarded with chamber punches or calf kicks. Krav Maga is a military based martial art, and is designed for that purpose, Street Hornets is a street based martial art.

Tanks don’t make good family cars!

Q: Why is Street Hornets the most effective self-defense system?

A: Street Hornets was created from the DNA of MMA! It also, incorporates environmental awareness and situational awareness zones. The system is designed with you being in control and ensuring any required offence is extremely direct and effective.

Q: Is it safe to practice self-defense / martial arts?

A: As with any physical activity, there are risks involved with practicing martial arts / self-defense. However, if you train with a qualified instructor in a safe and controlled environment, the risk of injury can be minimized. It’s also important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits.

Generally, it can take anywhere from several months to several years to achieve proficiency.

The journey from Base to Vertex for a non-practitioner usually takes 3-7 years.

We strongly believe Street Hornets is a way of life! And, if you stop practicing and honing your art you will loose the skill and tactics learnt.

Q: Benefit from practicing self-defense / martial arts?

A: In addition to physical benefits such as improved coordination and fitness, self-defense / martial arts can also help develop important life skills such as discipline, respect, and self-confidence.

Q: How are we different from traditional martial arts?

A: No intimidating martial art studios, no Gi, we train in comfortable street clothes. This is what you would be wearing if a real-life situation occurs. Rarely, will a situation present itself which offers you the option of going home and putting on your martial art Gi.

Street Hornets is also a living breathing animal, which evolves and grows.

Q: What creates the Street Hornets foundation?

A: Dynamic training with a purpose! Street Hornets combines a NEW comprehensive Self-defense System with Personal Training fundamentals overlay.

Leveraging personal training fundamentals to elevate your game. From FITT (Frequency Intensity Type & Time), to heart rate zones & energy systems.

Q: Can you provide some of the origins and DNA behind the ‘Street Hornets system'?


Street Hornets roots go back to Jeet Kune Do. JKD, is a martial art refined by Bruce Lee, which was developed from Wing Chung, western boxing and fencing.

Lee was way ahead of his time and quickly identified that traditional martial arts have clunky footwork and poor defenses for multifaceted attacks. 

What works?

Western boxing had the best defence and attack position of the hands, this was paired with fencing which possessed far superior footwork. Wing Chung would lastly, provide the element of trapping.

  • Western boxing
  • Fencing
  • Wing Chun

Key Elements:

  • Western boxing
  • Fencing
  • Wing Chun

This eventually evolved into JKD. In my humble opinion, he nearly solved the MMA formula. Although it could be argued that the first mixed martial arts came out of Victorian era England (Bartitsu).

The Missing Elements

The missing element was the ground game. I know there is a video of Bruce doing an armbar, however, I remember asking in a JKD class ‘what happens if the fight goes to the ground’, ‘I was told just don’t let it go to the ground’…problem being 2/3 of fights end up grounded.


Globally the ground game had evolved into two prominent streams wrestling (American / Greco-Roman / Sambo) and Jiu Jitsu.

Brazil in particular were evolving Japanese Jujitsu, led by a single influential family called the ‘Gracie’s’. This was the missing piece, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Western-style boxing, Fencing footwork, Wing-chun trapping BJJ ground,  American Wresting for transitions.

Development & Systems

The great thing about cage fighting is we got to see what works and what doesn’t (within the constraints of the rules). MMA continues to evolve and adapt, think calf kicks, switch stances.

Other systems have also, become important in the self-defense realm. A great example of this is Krav Maga. Krav is an excellent and highly effective system, but it is a military based self-defense system and always will be.

Q: What makes Street Hornets different?

A: NEW highly effective Self-defense system S.D.S.. Choose between Self-Defense / Personal Training or Hybrid Training, options.

  • Combines cardio with strength training
  • Package Discounts; 2’s or groups
  • Access to content (24-7)
  • Incorporates personal training fundamentals
  • Incorporates both situational & mental awareness
  • No long-term commitments or annual membership
  • Access to strength & conditioning training
Q: What are the principles of Street Hornets?

A: At Street Hornets we have a golden rule:

Golden Principle: ‘Protect the Sphere’ Train to be ready, aware, & to recognize dangers! Always avoid or minimize conflict – act decisively…get away

We are founded and operate using the following principles: Confidence, Control, Character.

Q: How long does it take to become proficient in a self-defense / martial art?

A: The amount of time it takes to become proficient in a martial art will vary depending on factors such as your natural abilities, level of commitment, and the complexity of the style you are learning. Generally, it can take anywhere from several months to several years to achieve proficiency.

The journey from Base to Vertex for a non-practitioner usually takes 3-7 years.

We strongly believe Street Hornets is a way of life! And, if you stop practicing and honing your art you will loose the skill and tactics learnt.

Q: What are Street Hornets patches?

A: We have patches not belts. These patches are broken out into fundamental along with Street Awareness specific patches.

  • Patches progression – from Base to Vertex
  • Patch grading via the ‘virtual dojo’ online or in-person
  • Six patches completely open & FREE – just pay to grade
  • D.S. Elite/Vertex locked patches -by invitation only

Q: What packages are available in Steet Hornets?

A: Choose between Hybrid Training Packages, alternatively, you can select either Self-defense or Personal training specific Packages.

Packages are subsequently categorized either: online, in-person or specific to grading & assessment.

Q. What experience does your lead instructor have in self-defense / martial arts?

A: Over 25 years martial arts experience:

  • Jeet Kune Do since 1996
  • Co-founder Defender Martial Arts – UK 1999
  • Grappling & BJJ since 2001
  • Muay Thai since 2005
  • Founder of Street Hornets Self-Defense System – CA 2022
  • Street Hornets Certifier of Instructors

Q: What should I do if I am attacked?

A: If you are attacked, the most important thing is to try to stay calm and assess the situation.

Golden Principle: ‘Protect the Sphere’ Train to be ready, aware, & to recognize dangers! Always avoid or minimize conflict – act decisively…get away

If possible, try to create distance between yourself and the attacker or attract attention from others nearby. Use any self-defense techniques you have learned to protect yourself and try to escape as soon as it is safe to do so. It’s also important to report the incident to the authorities.

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